AIOU Assignments Submission Method for Aaghi LMS Portal – A Step by Step Guide

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Now, on this page, we’ll go through the process of How to Submit AIou Assignments on Aaghi LMS Portal by AIOU Aaghi LMS in detail, step by step. The easiest way to learn How to Submit Assignments is On AIOU Aaghi Portal on the LMS website. This is a very easy method AIOU Assignments Submission Method to upload your assignments to aiou portal. AIOU Assignments Submission Method on Aaghi LMS Portal

The AIOU LMS Learning Management System is now allowing students of the Allama Iqbal Open University to upload Assignments at for fall and spring semester programs with the FA, FSC, ICS, BCOM, BED, BA, BSC, MSC, MA classes. But what if you are a student that cannot access the LMS portal?

Or maybe you don’t have access to the internet, or you are looking for a way to submit your assignment offline.

Well, worry no more! This step-by-step guide provides you with the simple method of submitting your AIOU Assignments by sending them to an email address that is already given on the Aaghi LMS Portal.

The MOOC has become a popular channel for brand expansion and growth. Another study found that, for most people, the greatest driver of brand loyalty was word-of-mouth recommendations from friends, family, or coworkers. A recent innovation by AIOU is the finest online tool available to all AlOU trainees, in which everyone may examine the education

AIOU Online courses were first introduced by AIOU in order to provide national and international level Pakistanis and overseas children with an opportunity to learn online. It is the most efficient method to reach your objectives without difficulty, especially since it was developed for people who are unable to attend school. The following is a list of requirements for AIOU assignment submission.

Allama Iqbal Open University aims to provide its students with the best possible education, therefore they developed a convenient electronic method for the public to follow.

After completing work, students may submit it through the AIOU Aaghi Portal LMS using AIOU instructions.

A Step by Step Guide – How to Submit AIOU assignment submission at Aaghi LMS Portal?

There is another approach to delivering assignments if you don’t know how to type and have handwritten tasks. It’s also a simple process, with just a few more steps. How to submit Aiou Assignments on Aaghi LMS Portal

  1. To begin, go to the AIOU’s official website and sign in using your username and password. Your account will be activated after that.
  2. All of the links that were shown on my site will appear, so click them and pick your course. Aaghi portal’s Education Management System Online provides all information regarding the PDF file’s upload.
  3. Submit your assignment by following these easy steps: Click the Assignment button, then click Submit My Job. It’s the simplest way to do it; simply follow the directions on your computer or mobile phone screen.
  4. The following page will be shown, and you may add your aiou assignment submission by clicking the Add Submissions button.
  5. If he continues to do so, you should report him. Then click the add submission button, and a window will appear to him. After that, chase him.
  6. You may also see a notification that says “You’re not connected to the Internet. Please connect via WiFi or 3G.” If you click on it, another page will appear, and under the image of another picture below, you can manually check for updates.
  7. After that, choose to Upload a File from the menu bar. Please be advised that MS Word and PDF files are acceptable for tasks.
  8. Handwritten documents can be sent via scanning with a professional scanner or mobile scanner software, but there’s another issue: this file cannot be larger than 5MB, thus keeping your resolution for photographs as low as possible.
  9. The lesson is finished when another page appears and you press the save button to guard the tasks.
  10. As a result, you may submit your tasks whether they are written by hand or sent through the computer if you follow the above suggestions.
  11. You will see all submitted assignments on your profile page, and find and see the status of your Assignments.


  1. Abdul jabbar
  2. Abdul jabbar

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